Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Debut Post

After two years of self-imposed isolation from the blogging world, I’m finally back. I couldn’t have found a better title than “ the return of the native ”. Having blogged at livejournal under a pseudonym of “ the hawk eye ” for a span of two years, returning to this much familiar space was inevitable. But, having said that it must be reiterated that nothing can match the charm of blogging during college days. Gang-blogging was what me and my mates indulged at and excelled at. Virtual existence was never the same again. Blogs became a kind of placebo in our screwed and fucked up lives.

Things are not the same now, the blogs of my mates remain abandoned, screaming for attention but the owners are fucking busy to mind an update. My ex-blog however didn’t meet a similar fate, coz I wiped its very existence. The deletion came under a moment of extreme frustration and that was an attempt at saving my *** coz the company I’m currently engaged to decided to check us out in the LAN. That was a silly rumor that was making rounds in our department, and I was foolish enough to bank on that one. But I really miss the incessant bitching about our profs. These guys never got tired from making our lives hell!!

And after spending six years away from my roots, I’m back to the place where I belong and this place absolutely defines me. I mean in terms of geography. Gawd this isn’t the Bhubaneswar that I had left behind, it seems to have fancied itself.

This seems to be enough for a debut post I guess, but I promise enough entertainment for the dayz ahead, so chao for now guys.

Current music. All she wrote ( Firehouse )
Current mood . Nostalgic


Deepika said...

well wat can i say, welcome back to the blog world:)


Abhishek said...

i had 2 at sum point of time n its better late than never ;)